Friday, April 27, 2007


So much for these posts being in any order whatsoever...
This is a dispatch from our third week, North Island.
Sadly, it is not totally out of date, as I'm still healing from mosquito bites that I got in New Zealand over a month and a half ago.

It was a sneak attack in the dead of night. We thought we heard that distinctive buzz off in the distance as dusk set it, but cast it off as so much travling-induced paranoia. As we settled into the van, they moved in. Snack, slap, swear. Repeat. All night long. No casualties, heavy injuries on our side. 30 bites on one thigh for Molly, irritation factor compounded by sandfly bites on feet and five yellow jacket bites between Molly and Roz after group stumbled on nest during day hike. We debated moving camp sites, but those camped in other areas assured us attacks had been uniform throughout the Kaueranga Valley. We hunkered down with 30 percent DEET bug spray, stealthily diving in the van sans light to disguise our whereabouts. Result - more of the same.
Mosquitoes: 150 bites
Humans: 6-7 kills at the cost of blood smears on sheets and ceiling
We fled to the metropolis of Auckland, still pursued, then headed north up the coast to a primo free camping spot at Sandy Beach. Nortland might be more appropriately dubbed Mosquito Coast. It was a massacre. Roz, Amanda and I crawled into the van, enduring unbearable heat in order to effect an air tight seal - a bunker of sorts. however, the buggers made it through the ventilation. A transcript of the night's battles:
A= Amanda
R= Roz
Me = Me

11 p.m.
All: Good night!
R: It is so hot in here
A: I know
12 p.m.
R: (tinge of hysteria in voice) You guys? One just buzzed me, they're definitely in here
A: I'm getting my light.
(Light switched on, three mosquitoes dive bomb, smack x 5)
A: Did you get it?
R: I don't think so...wait! There's its body on the sheet.
All: Yes!!
(long pause)
A: There's another one! Get it!
R: Omigod, I can't believe how much blood there was in that one!
(lights off, Return to tossing and turning in the dark)
1 a.m.
R: Amanda, stop scratching! (Whacks her)
A: (moaning) I can't help it...ughhhh...
R: You know it just makes it worse.
A: I know,...ughhhh (scratch, scratch)
R: I think there are more in here, turn on the light.
(Amanda flips light, everyone holds breat)
(Roz gets 3 kills, proceeds to smack Amanda's feet and lets to alleviate itchiness. Lights off.)
2 a.m.
I sit up.
A: Are you okay?
Me: I'm going insane. That's it, I'm takign a Benadryl.
A: Can I have one?
Me: Roz, do you know where the water is?
R: Up front somewhere.
(Amanda extracts bottle. We down capsules, lay down. I throw comforter up front and wrap legs in towel, then attempt to cool down by pressing body against window panes)
2:30 a.m.
R: That fucker just bit me!
(lights on)
A: It totally just buzzed in my ear
R: They're getting in here, there are, like, 10.
(We proceed to rustle curtains and stare at walls, all in a heightened state of paranoia)
A: There's one!!
(Lights off)
3:30 a.m.
R: there are more in here. Amanda?
(indiscernable noises, mumbling)
R: Can you turn on the light? It buzzed me.
(No response. Amanda and I are catatonic/just don't give a damn thanks to Benadryl, our sweet salvation.)

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